Coin/Artefact/Button Special ID card Displays
Unique displays to showcase your special finds.
- rectangular horizontal (57x28mm) (ID cards included in price), contact me with details of ID cards
- circular (30mm) pedestal, (ID cards included in price) , contact me with details of ID cards,
- square pedestal, 50*50 felted area. (ID cards included in price) , contact me with details of ID cards,
- x4 vertical wedge with ID card in the middle, (ID card included in price), contact me with details of ID cards
-x4 coin display with ID card in the middle. (coin max width 29mm) , (ID card included in price) contact me with details of ID cards
- Choose the button ID card display, with a specially designed recess to accommodate the shank of a button and a ID card to suit your requirements. ID cards included in price! Please message me with details of your button
- Choose the fibula ID card display, with a additional horizontal felted area at the bottom to accommodate an extra fibula. ID cards included in price!
- Choose the Cartwheel penny/two pence ID card display, with a large circular Pedestal felted area to accommodate a penny or cartwheel two pence. ID cards included in price!
covered in a felt colour of your choosing, with a set of 3 ID cards to detail your find.
Enter your details below, and email any required images to