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Dave Edwards
It would be an absolute dream to win the coveted 'cabinet wars' trophy this year, especially after being runner up to bevans display last year, that was one hell of a cabinet !!
There are some amazing displays that I've seen so far, I know how much time and effort goes in to the displays so I'd like to wish everyone the best of luck !!
And a massive thanks to Bryan for giving everyone the chance to display the treasures that we find with his amazing products !! Good luck folks !!

Owen Thomas
Hello all! This is my entry for ‘cabinet wars’.. Over the last couple of years I have developed a love for finding history, my cabinet isn’t just full of my finds, it’s full of great days out with friends, memories and so much more.
Monarch designs have helped me achieve a display full of character and information, Bryan has always gone above and beyond anytime I’ve asked him to create new displays for me, and for that I’m extremely grateful.
I’d be over the moon to win ‘ cabinet wars’ thank you for the opportunity and a huge good luck to everyone! I look forward to seeing everyone’s displays!
Happy detecting!

Hi monarcheers,so here i have my displaycabinet for the 2024 cabinetwars using only the best display pieces supplied and perfected by monarch designs to display my finds on.
If only my finds could share their stories would'nt it be something, instead i like to share my stories of my finds and where they came from and in turn try and piece little bits of history together.
I would love to be considered for the monarchcabinetwars2024 trophy not only for my self and my display but for the many fond happy memories and friendships along my detecting journey which are also captured within the cabinet with every single piece i have found.....thanks for looking.TKWayne

Martin Whitehead
Here we have a my cabinet that's unique in being horizontal and being placed at the focal point of the room (beneath the television). It's filled with my finds from the last 16 months since I started detecting also a few added extras to compliment the history of different era's. This would not be possible if it wasn't for the quality items from monarch designs and great range of products which are second to none. History has always been a fascinating subject to me and to be able to rescue them and have my own mini museum is fantastic. This is always going to be an ongoing project which will grow over the many years to come and to proudly display thecabinetwarstrophy would be the icing on the cake. Good luck to all who enter

Emma Youell
Inspired by and taught by the current reigning Cabinet King (Bevan) here is my cabinet which I am super proud of. Over 10 years of finds on display, with more to be sorted and more to go in this is my mini-museum.

Dave Tomlinson
"ladies and gentlemen here is my first display cabinet that I only put together over the last month! All of the finds in the cabinet were displayed previously on a flat table which didn't do the finds justice and also acted like a dust magnet!!Having seen some of the fantastic displays here I was inspired to have a go myself so with a lot of help from Bryan making all of the display items I'm now over the moon with my display.I hope you enjoy it too and if so I would appreciate your vote. Best wishes and good luck to all the entries".

Derek Gibbin
And so here we are, October has come around and it's time for CABINET WARS!
I've supported Monarch Designs since day one, and it's been an absolute privilege to showcase my finds on these beautifully designed displays - not only at home but during my Archaeology degree (there's nothing quite like putting your Roman finds on the display table, mounted on Monarch Designs trays and stands, the whole thing just stands out above the rest).
I will always stand by my words to Bryan, "Quality will always draw in customers, and breed success" and you will not find better quality products ANYWHERE.

Paul Green
Here is my 2 metre by 1.5 metre burr walnut metal detecting displaycabinet, What you see is a collection of 5 years of pure joy walking in the fields, I have tried to add as much information as I can with over 50 information cards. I have also tried to do a timeline starting at the top left hand corner.

Mucka Tav
As a Newbie of 2yrs Metal Detecting I have tried to make my Cabinet as Unique as possible by Displaying & Presenting my finds with Attention to Detail.
Winning 2024 Cabinet Wars this year would mean The World to me - more than Winning the Lottery lol
Many Thanks to Bryan at Monarch Designs for all his Time & Effort in Making all these great finds displays for us all to Enjoy & Bringing Our Finds of History Back to Life…

Carl Johnson
Hi detectorists. I’ve seen a lot of impressive tall and fulfilled to the millimetre cabinets out there! and it’s going to be hard to beat. But I’m giving it a shot. This is my on the small side cabinet but this cabinet is a little different. it’s completely hand made by myself . The backing, shelving , lighting, Even the acrylic clear casing . It’s all 100% hand made . In the cabinet you can see the royal line from 1066 onwards. Ticking off the monarchs and their coins as I go . if and when im lucky enough to find them that is. The Bottom part shows a small Roman collection and more of our historic medieval time line .
with Bryan’s keen eye for detail on design these coin stands really helped in showing off all my treasured finds to family and friends . Enjoy :)